How Soon After Giving Birth Can a Woman Undergo Mommy Makeover Surgery?

By: James Nachbar, MD, FACS



Motherhood is a beautiful journey that brings joy and fulfillment. However, pregnancy and childbirth can bring significant (and sometimes unwelcome) changes to a woman's body. At Scottsdale Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ, plastic surgeon Dr. James Nachbar, the pioneer of the Post-Baby Tune-Up®, offers a personalized approach to address these concerns.   Dr. Nachbar is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery.

What is the Post-Baby Tune-Up®? 

The Post-Baby Tune-Up® is a mommy makeover surgery created by Dr. Nachbar. It's a customized combination of surgical procedures that aim to restore the pre-pregnancy appearance of a woman's body. Typical treatments may include breast augmentation, no-drain tummy tuck, liposuction, and more. This transformative procedure has helped countless women regain their self-confidence and reconnect with their pre-pregnancy selves. 

When is the right time for a mommy makeover? 

Dr. Nachbar recommends that women should wait until they have recovered from childbirth, their body weight has stabilized, and they have stopped breastfeeding. For most patients, this means waiting for at least six months to a year after giving birth. This timeframe ensures that the body is ready for surgery and will respond best to the treatment. Patient safety and optimal results are Dr. Nachbar's top priorities, making him a trusted choice for this life-changing procedure. 

What's included in a mommy makeover surgery? 

Every Post-Baby Tune-Up® is tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Some of the most popular procedures are:  

  • Breast augmentation or lift: To restore volume and perkiness 
  • No-drain tummy tuck: To remove excess skin and tighten abdominal muscles with less pain than conventional abdominoplasty 
  • Liposuction: To remove unwanted fat from targeted areas 
  • Skin rejuvenation treatments: To improve skin's elasticity and glow 

Dr. Nachbar's expertise allows for a combination of procedures that best align with the patient's goals and needs, resulting in truly personalized mommy makeover results. His approach ensures that every patient receives the care and attention needed to help achieve their aesthetic goals. 

What is the mommy makeover recovery process like? 

Recovery after mommy makeover surgery is generally similar to other major surgical procedures. The experience may vary depending on the specific treatments performed. Immediate post-surgery rest and adherence to Dr. Nachbar's instructions are essential. During the first few weeks, patients should limit activities and avoid strenuous exercise. Ongoing recovery includes a gradual return to normal activities, with monitoring of progress by Dr. Nachbar. Your mommy makeover recovery might take several months, but the results can be long-lasting and rewarding, making the journey worthwhile. 

Learn more about mommy makeover surgery in Scottsdale, AZ 

If you're considering a mommy makeover and wonder if the time is right for you, Scottsdale Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ is here to help. As the trailblazer behind the original Post-Baby Tune-Up®, Dr. James Nachbar offers expert guidance and personalized care. 

Schedule your consultation today to embark on a journey that reconnects you with your pre-pregnancy body, enhancing your confidence and well-being. Trust Dr. Nachbar and our team to help you achieve the mommy makeover results you desire.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.